Class COptQuestIntegerVariable

public class COptQuestIntegerVariable extends COptQuestDiscreteVariable
The COptQuestIntegerVariable class defines a decision variable whose values begin at the lower bound and increment by a 1 to the upper bound.
  • Constructor Details

    • COptQuestIntegerVariable

      public COptQuestIntegerVariable(String name, double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Constructor that assigns a name to the variable and sets the lower bound and upper bound.
      name - alphanumeric name. Note: the name can contain blanks or special characters. If the variable name is used in a COptQuestStringConstraint equation, the name should be enclosed in square brackets [] in the COptQuestStringConstraint string equation.
      lowerBound - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
      upperBound - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
    • COptQuestIntegerVariable

      public COptQuestIntegerVariable(double lowerBound, double upperBound)
      Constructor that sets the lower bound and upper bound.
      lowerBound - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
      upperBound - a value between -pow(2,31) and +pow(2,31)-1
    • COptQuestIntegerVariable

      public COptQuestIntegerVariable()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • SetStepSize

      public void SetStepSize(double stepSize) throws COptQuestException
      Illegal method for integer variables, step size is always 1
      SetStepSize in class COptQuestDiscreteVariable
      stepSize - the step size which can be any value that is less than or equal to the difference between the upper bound and the lower bound. If the range is not divisible by the step size, the range is extended by extending the upper bound.
      COptQuestException - if step size is not valid for variable type