Class COptQuestUserControlledOptimization


public class COptQuestUserControlledOptimization extends Object
The COptQuestUserControlledOptimization class searches for solutions to problems using a 'black box' approach. It incorporates metaheuristics to guide its search algorithms toward better solutions. This approach remembers which solutions worked well and recombines them into new, better solutions. The simplest optimization problem contains decision variables, an objective function and the goal of the optimization (to either minimize or maximize)
  • Constructor Details

    • COptQuestUserControlledOptimization

      public COptQuestUserControlledOptimization()
      The default constructor. The license ID must be set by the SetLicenseID(int) method.
    • COptQuestUserControlledOptimization

      public COptQuestUserControlledOptimization(int license)
      Constructor that accepts the license ID as input.
      license - - the license ID assigned by OptTek Systems, Inc.
  • Method Details

    • BeginOptimization

      public void BeginOptimization() throws COptQuestException
      Call BeginOptimization() defining variables, constraints and an objective. OptQuest will validate the model and begin solution generation. If there is an error in the model, a COptQuestException will be thrown.
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • GetNextSolution

      public COptQuestSolution GetNextSolution() throws COptQuestException
      Call this method to get the next solution for evaluation. If solutions cannot be generated, null is returned. This may happen if all solutions can be enumerated and they have all been returned, or if the model is tightly constrained and OptQuest cannot generate new solutions.
      - a solution to be evaluated or null if no solutions can be created.
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • ReturnEvaluatedSolution

      public void ReturnEvaluatedSolution(COptQuestSolution solution) throws COptQuestException
      Call when a COptQuestSolution has completed evaluation. All COptQuestUserControlledVariables and COptQuestSingleObjectives should have values set.
      solution - completed solution
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • EndOptimization

      public void EndOptimization()
      Call this method when you no longer want to get solutions for evaluation.
    • GetCompletedSolutions

      public List<COptQuestSolution> GetCompletedSolutions()
      Use this method to update UI components of your application. It will return a list of solutions that have completed evaluation since the last time this method was called.
      - list of solutions that have completed evaluation.
    • GetVersion

      public static String GetVersion()
      Returns the version number of the OptQuest Engine.
      the version number as a string.
    • SetName

      public void SetName(String name)
      Assigns a name to the optimization problem.
    • GetName

      public String GetName()
      Returns the name assigned to the optimization object
    • GetNumberofCompletedIterations

      public int GetNumberofCompletedIterations()
      Returns the number of solutions that have been evaluated. The count includes feasible solutions, infeasible solutions and rejected solutions.
    • AddVariable

      public void AddVariable(COptQuestVariable variable) throws COptQuestException
      Adds the variable defined by the input parameter to the optimization. If the user is naming variables, the name must be unique, and it cannot be an OptQuest keyword such as a math function name.
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • AddSelectionGroup

      public void AddSelectionGroup(COptQuestSelectionGroup group)
      Adds a Selection Group to the optimization. Selection groups allow a variable that can be turned "off" which indicates that other variables will not be used in the evaluation.
      group - the selection group to add
    • AddObjective

      public void AddObjective(COptQuestObjective objective) throws COptQuestException
      Adds the objective defined by the input parameter to the optimization problem.
      objective - the objective to add
      COptQuestException - if an objective has already been defined
    • GetObjective

      public COptQuestObjective GetObjective()
      Returns the COptQuestObjective object added by the AddObjective() method
    • AddConstraint

      public void AddConstraint(COptQuestStringConstraint constraint) throws COptQuestException
      Adds the string constraint defined by the input parameter to the optimization. If an optimization problem contains multiple constraints, the constraints are ANDed together. If a solution is feasible, it satisfies every constraint in the optimization.
      constraint - the constraint to add
      COptQuestException - if the string expression is empty.
    • AddSuggestedSolution

      public void AddSuggestedSolution(COptQuestSolution suggSol)
      The input solution is added to the set of suggested solutions. If the optimization has not started, the suggested solution will be evaluated first If the optimization is running, the suggested solution will be one of the next solutions to be evaluated. To create a suggested solution, call CreateSolution(). Use the SetVariableValue(COptQuestVariable, double) method to set a value for each decision variable. Note: All decision variables must be added to the optimization problem before adding a suggested solution. Note: If multiple suggested solutions are added they will be returned for evaluation in reverse order (last in, first out). Note: If multiple suggested solutions are added, OptQuest may return additional solutions for evaluation between the suggested solutions specified.
      suggSol - the suggested solution to add
    • AddPermutationGroup

      public void AddPermutationGroup(COptQuestPermutationGroup group)
      Adds the permutation group defined by the input parameter to the optimization problem.
      group - the permutation group to add
    • SetGenerateNewSolutions

      public void SetGenerateNewSolutions(boolean onOff)
      If you only want OptQuest to call Evaluate() with suggested solutions, call SetGenerateNewSolutions(false). The default condition is to call Evaluate() with all suggested solutions and then with OptQuest generated solutions.
    • CheckOptimization

      public void CheckOptimization() throws COptQuestException
      Use this method to check an optimization for errors. A COptQuestException is thrown if an error is found. The exception identifies the type of error.
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • SetLicenseID

      public void SetLicenseID(int license)
      Used to set the license ID. License IDs are assigned by OptTek Systems, Inc.
      license - - license id
    • SetUseReplications

      public void SetUseReplications(boolean Value)
      Use to turn on the general replication algorithm. Your Evaluate() method will be called to evaluate each replication of a solution.
    • GetUseReplications

      public boolean GetUseReplications()
      Returns true if general replication processing is turned on. Returns false if it is not.
      true if general replication processing is turned on.
    • SetMinimumReplications

      public void SetMinimumReplications(int minimum) throws COptQuestException
      Sets the minimum number of replications to be run when running general replication. The default is 2 replication and the minimum value allowed is 2.
      minimum - the minimum number of replications to be run before stopping replication processing.
      COptQuestException - if replication value is less than 2
    • GetMinimumReplications

      public int GetMinimumReplications()
      Returns the minimum number of replications set by the call to SetMinimumReplications().
      the minimum number of replications to be run before stopping.
    • SetMaximumReplications

      public void SetMaximumReplications(int maximum)
      Sets the maximum number of replications to be run when running general replication. If you are running with confidence type 1 or 2, you can set the maximum to -1 which means we will run replications until the confidence criteria is met.
      maximum - the maximum number of replications to be run before stopping replication processing.
    • GetMaximumReplications

      public int GetMaximumReplications()
      Returns the maximum number of replications set by the call to SetMaximumReplications().
      the maximum number of replications to be run
    • LogSetup

      public void LogSetup(String logFilePath) throws IOException
      LogSetup() logs calls to the COptQuestOptimization class in an xml formatted file. This is used for debugging optimization setup problems.
      logFilePath - path to a file that will contain the logging info
      IOException - if there is a problem with the file path
    • CloseLogSetupFile

      public void CloseLogSetupFile()
      Closes the xml nodes in the log setup file and then closes the file. Use in conjunction with LogSetup() to have a properly formatted XML file.
    • LogSolutions

      public void LogSolutions(String logFilePath) throws IOException
      LogSolutions() logs all solutions in a csv formatted file. This is used for debugging solution generation.
      logFilePath - path to a file that will contain the solution log
      IOException - if there is a problem with the file path
    • CloseSolutionLog

      public void CloseSolutionLog()
    • GetVariable

      public COptQuestVariable GetVariable(String Name)
      Given a variable name, return the COptQuestVariable object.
      Name - variable name
      COptQuestVariable object with that name
    • GetVariables

      public ArrayList<COptQuestVariable> GetVariables()
      Returns an array of all variables that have been added to the optimization using the AddVariable()method.
      array of COptQuestVariable objects
    • GetNumberOfStringConstraints

      public int GetNumberOfStringConstraints()
      Returns the number of COptQuestStringConstraint objects added to the optimization.
      number of COptQuestStringConstraint objects
    • GetStringConstraint

      public COptQuestStringConstraint GetStringConstraint(int index)
      Returns the string constraint at the index specified by the input parameter.
      index - index of the constraint
      the string constraint at the specified index
    • GetBestSolution

      public COptQuestSolution GetBestSolution()
      Returns the solution that has the best objective value. Returns null if no best solution exists.
      the best solution
    • GetNthBestSolution

      public COptQuestSolution GetNthBestSolution(int nth)
      Returns the nth best solution where solutions are ordered from best to worst based on the objective value. If the input parameter is 1, the best solution is returned, If the input parameter is 2, the second-best solution etc. If the nth best solution doesn't exist, null is returned.
      nth - - 1 based number of the solution to return
      the solution that produced the Nth best objective value
    • GetIterationSolution

      public COptQuestSolution GetIterationSolution(int iteration)
      Returns the solution that was generated at the iteration specified by the input parameter. Returns null if the solution doesn't exist.
    • GetNumberOfFeasibleSolutions

      public int GetNumberOfFeasibleSolutions()
      Returns the number of solutions that satisfied all linear and non-linear constraints.
    • GetNumberOfInfeasibleSolutions

      public int GetNumberOfInfeasibleSolutions()
      Returns the number of solutions that violated a non-linear constraint.
    • GetNumberOfRejectedSolutions

      public int GetNumberOfRejectedSolutions()
      Returns the number of solutions that were rejected by calling COptQuestSolution.RejectSolution();
    • IsEnumerable

      public boolean IsEnumerable()
      Returns true if all variables in the optimization problem can be enumerated. Note that if the combination of the variables results in a large solution space, OptQuest will not enumerate all possible solutions.
      true if all the variables in the problem can be enumerated.
    • CreateSolution

      public COptQuestSolution CreateSolution() throws COptQuestException
      Creates a new solution that can be used to create a suggested solution. The variable values are initialized to the last suggested value or the midpoint of the lower and upper bound if no solution has been suggested.
      a new solution
      COptQuestException - if a problem is encountered
    • GetPatternFrontier

      public ArrayList<COptQuestSolution> GetPatternFrontier()
      Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier in no particular order.
      An unsorted ArrayList<COptQuestSolution> of solutions on the pattern frontier.
    • GetPatternFrontier

      Provides all solutions in the current pattern frontier sorted by the specified objective.
      obj - the objective to sort by
      A sorted ArrayList<COptQuestSolution> of solutions on the pattern frontier.
      COptQuestException - if the objective is not found
    • GetTerminationReason

      public int GetTerminationReason()
      Returns the reason the optimization terminated.
      The optimization has not been started.
      The optimization is still running.
      The optimization was solved using an Linear/Integer/Mixed Integer Program.
      The optimization stopped due to the Auto Stop feature
      The optimal solution was found.
      The optimization stopped when the maximum number of iterations was reached.
      The optimization stopped when the maximum time was reached.
      The optimization was stopped by the user.
      The optimization stopped due to an exception.
      There are no solutions that satisfy the constraints.
      New (different) solutions cannot be generated.
      termination reason