
Simulation optimization 

For government and military clients that utilize simulation tools, our OptDef™ software adds powerful optimization and analysis capabilities, guiding clients through the process of running simulations, adjusting input values, and analyzing the outcomes.

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OptDef wraps your simulation model and provides an intuitive user interface for simulation optimization and analysis, design of experiments, sampling, and batch runs. OptDef is a cross-platform, Java application with a plug-in interface that has been integrated with many DoD simulation tools.

OptDef improves the affordability, effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) of your simulation models. Simulation models alone can address only “What if…?” questions. OptDef works with existing, unmodified, constructive simulation models to resolve “What’s best…?” questions, such as the best blue laydown to counter a potential red attack, or conversely, red’s most effective strategy against a given blue laydown.

OptDef allows an analyst to choose multiple simulation inputs to vary and then apply one or more constraints and objectives. OptDef integrates with both deterministic and Monte Carlo models to optimize your decisions. OptDef uses metaheuristic search methods (OptQuest) to drive iterative simulation runs with different simulation input combinations. After the completion of the search, the tool automatically applies different statistical and data mining techniques to perform automated variable and tradespace analysis, providing insight into the influence of the variables on the objectives and to identify good and bad regions of the trade space. OptDef frees the analyst from the labor intensive and inefficient process of repeatedly configuring and running scenarios through the simulation model, empowering them to think strategically about the critical simulation inputs, constraints to place on the scenario, and the objective or objectives to maximize.



OptDef can take advantage of multiple CPU/multiple core hardware, and integration is available with High Performance Computing Clusters, enabling OptDef to automate and optimize the exploration of very large trade spaces by driving very large numbers of simulation runs.

OptDef is in use in multiple DoD offices and has been used in many real-world DoD simulation analysis studies:

  • “OptDef use resulted in executing the analysis in a much shorter time, as well as providing analysts quicker insights from the resulting data extraction”
  • “OptDef has definitely saved me a lot of time with scenario building and setting up designs of experiments”

OptDef is the result of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program funding and is a government use rights tool. There is no license cost for OptDef and it has integration layers ready to use with many DoD simulation models. Its architecture also allows integration with additional simulation tools with limited effort.

OptTek provides services supporting customer use of OptDef including:

  • Setting up OptDef to run in your environment
  • Configuring OptDef to execute runs on a server or your HPC resources
  • Onsite training
  • Study specific modeling support
  • OptDef enhancements to support specific optimization or analysis use cases
  • Integration with new simulation tools

Reach out to learn more.


What can OptTek do for you?

Solving the world's most complex challenges through optimization and analytics for over 30 years.