Custom Scientific Software
Government Solutions

OptTek is a small business with an extensive track record applying our unique mix of optimization, AI/ML, problem-solving, analytical and statistical expertise to complex problems and models for government customers.
OptTek has the right combination of people and skills to not only conceptualize novel and efficient solutions to complex problems, but also the experienced software engineers to reduce these ideas to practice and deploy prototype or production code embodying these ideas. Our office is filled with people with graduate degrees in STEM fields who relish new and complex challenges and who have a track record of solving.
We have completed many projects over the years using a variety of techniques, and have deployed them across many hardware and technology platforms including:
- Created the OptDef tool which provides simulation optimization and analysis capability for DoD simulation tools (users in all branches)
- Implemented a novel adaptive sampling and response surface modeling approach to make predictions along with associated uncertainty estimates based on limited, expensive samples.
- Developed an optimization model based on a composition of integer programming and metaheuristic methods to make sailor assignments in the “smart” ship environment that minimized billets and tested alternative solution methodologies (Navy)
- Implemented a novel, multi-threaded metaheuristic algorithm to solve the nuclear weapon allocation and application planning problem (USSTRATCOM)
- Built a project portfolio selection optimization tool for economic development (NSF)
- Created code to dynamically construct classification trees from historical inventory and transaction data which break soldiers into cohorts based on personal, career, economic, and program attributes (Army)
- Added methods to our agent-based manpower simulation model to integrate predictions based on classification trees for voluntary and involuntary losses as well as retirements (Army)
- Created a workforce agent based simulation model and used it to optimize program and policy decisions to influence diversity and other measures (NSF)
- Responsible for an effects-based planning tool based on Leontief economic theory and linear programming (USSTRATCOM)
- Developed methods and software for protecting individual tables and entire datasets through optimization-based disclosure limitation methods (NIMH)
- Provided a custom simulation optimization solution to optimize sailor retention programs and policies (Navy)
- Designed and developed of a quick-turn analysis tool that solves a multi-objective sequential linear programming model to solve a resource assignment problem (USSTRATCOM)
- Designed and implemented a tabu search based metaheuristic for mission scheduling (USSTRATCOM)
- Created a simulation model and performed an evaluation to assess facility vulnerability to intrusion (DOE)
If you are looking for a firm to provide software solutions to complex problems using optimization, AI/ML, simulation, or analytics please contact us. We are excited to learn about the problem you are trying to solve and explore with you whether our team would be a good match.
What can OptTek do for you?
Solving the world's most complex challenges through optimization and analytics for over 30 years.